Turkey? Orlando? Paris? So what else is new? I am puzzled that everyone is distraught over a perfectly ordinary act of terrorism by a perfectly ordinary Islamic extremist. We’ve seen this before and we’ll see it again.
Why so surprised?
We know that Islamic extremists like to kill innocent people. We know that they stone women to death for adultery. We know that they throw homosexuals from rooftops. We know that they behead people for disrespecting the prophet. We know that they kill their daughters for losing their virginity. We know that their ideology is incompatible with the Western world.
And… we even know that not all Muslims are like that.
Oh yes, it’s true… there are hundreds of millions of peaceful, moderate Muslims, who just want to get on with their lives like anyone else. It’s a fact. But pointing this fact out is of no use whatsoever to the 50 peaceful moderate Muslims who were just slaughtered in Istanbul, now is it?
No it is not.