The relationship can be demonstrated throughout history and it is this: Cultures with restrained sexuality will rise, while cultures with loose sexuality will decline.
Among restraints, Marriage has been the most obvious. Societies that have maintained this institution for the longest period have also attained the highest status as civilizations.
For millions and millions of years, mankind, but mostly men, were engaged in a struggle to control what meager resources they were able to take from the earth to ensure their survival. Warfare was common, for food, for water, for treasure, and also for fertile women.
Among men, this fight for survival favored aggression and also fostered deep devotion to one’s own tribe. And so these are the male traits that survived.
Among women, ancient warfare favored different characteristics.
For on occasion her tribe would lose, and her very survival as well as that of her children would depend on her ability to accept and adapt to her conquerors. In this situation, loyalty could prove fatal, and so instead, the female genes for subservience and appeasement survived.
Closely intertwined with these attitudes, men and women also evolved different sexual priorities. Women are attracted to men of high status, the tribal leader, the warrior, the acclaimed, while men are attracted to women of high fertility, the young, the buxom, the beautiful.
A woman values a man for “who” he is, whether the tribal chieftan of old, or a movie star of today, while a man values a woman for “what” she is, her value is that she is a woman, no job title required.
These evolutionary tendencies can be seen today, for example, in magazines. Men’s magazines consist of sports, displays of nameless fertlle women (porn), methods to display high status (money, cars), and combat (sports).
While women’s magazines consist primarily of insights about high status men (gossip), and advice on displaying fertility (fashion and makeup).
The men mentioned in women’s magazines are very specific men, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, while the women featured in men’s magazines are more numerous, and quite often nameless.
A single man could easily and willingly be a sexual partner to dozens of women, while conversely, a dozen women could easily and willingly be the sexual partners of one high status male.
This instinct, born by evolutionary pressure over millions of years is the natural state of not only humanity, but also of most high-functioning animal species.
The social structure and sexual reproduction of wolves, elephants, lions, and gorillas, are dominated by a single high status male. While the sexual reproduction of rabbits, mice, and salmon are conducted more liberally, and such animals have little that could be described as a civilization.
While rabbits simply move about reproducing as quickly as nature allows, even the lowly ant, a species whose sexuality is limited to a single female, build vast colonies. Scaled down civilizations with expansive energy.
Limited access to reproduction contains and directs male energy to strive for improvement, greatness if possible, a process that serves men, women, and society at large.
Meanwhile cultures that have easy access to sex, whether consensual or by force do not progress, do not expand. Why would they?
The problem with restricted sexuality is that it leads to conflict. As can be seen in the mating rituals of many animals.
For humans with advancing technology, this sort of conflict is a serious problem. Where caribou butting heads may trot away with a headache, men dueling with swords or machine guns, may not survive at all.
Men without sexual outlet are either savages or useless. And so, the institution of marriage exists to direct male energy. The idea of “no sex outside of wedlock,” was required to make marriage meaningful, and served as an incentive for all men to improve themselves and their communities.
No longer were outright demonstrations of power necessary, there was no need to overthrow the tribal chief or kill their rivals, a man needed only to be good ‘enough,’ to attract a mate. And in doing so he would be committed to her, by shotgun if necessary.
Over hundreds of years, this directing of sexual energy to more constructive means than simple jousting and copulation gave rise to great civilizations. And the more chaste that women were held to be, the greater those civilizations became.
Perhaps the greatest of these civilizations in terms of its achievements and influence was Christian Europe. It was in Europe that the sciences, the arts, and philosophy gave birth to what we now call the modern world. And it was in Europe that the patron female figure was the VIRGIN Mary.
This was not coincidence.
No longer is the virgin prized and praised, but rather mocked and scorned. In today’s culture the slut and the whore is the new role model. Madonna used to be a reference to the virgin mother of Christ, now Madonna is an aging pop-star clinging to her status as a sex symbol while having been abandoned by her family.
The decline of the West began far before the appearance of the ‘material girl,’ and has only accelerated since. As it is now, so was it in the past. According to historian Jim Nelson Black:
“In ancient Greece, the first symptoms of disorder were a general loss of respect for tradition and the degradation of the young. Among the early symptoms was the decline of art and entertainment. The philosophers and pundits distorted the medium of communication. Rhetoric became combative and intolerant; intellectuals began to deride and attack all the traditional institutions…”
Sound familiar?
The Greeks loss was the Roman’s gain, who not only took over the Greek’s country, but over their religion as well. It was the Romans who restored order, and it was the Roman’s who expanded their empire for the next several hundred years
When in due course the Romans lost their morality, perhaps most famously under the emperor Caligula, they lost their religion to those with more religious conviction, and the progress of mankind stalled throughout the Dark Ages.
This pattern repeats itself throughout history. As historian Will Durant put it:
“There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion.”
Today, much of the West has abandoned this unifying technology. In the secular left it has been replaced by new religions, the worship of the earth, of diversity, and of self serving ‘spirituality.’
Today Christian Europe is very much in decline, and it is directly related to a loosening of sexual morality.
No doubt the youth of ancient Greece and Rome enjoyed this loosening of standards as much as the youth of the 1960s or today. But the effect is the same: the decline of civilization, and inevitably the conquering by a new culture with more moral conviction.
The incoming culture restricts female sexuality greatly, and in a bizarre twist, these invaders are being welcomed and encouraged by liberal Western women.
It is quite possible that these women will return to being the property of men, different men, very much unlike the now domesticated men of the West.
The so-called patriarchy that modern feminists rail against, has long since retreated, wanting nothing more than to be left alone from the feminists constant squawking.
These Western men, who should be defending their women and culture, have largely given up on the whole endeavor. The only reward they could expect is to be scorned as intolerant racists, so why bother?
Perhaps one day in the not so distant future, an aging feminist will curse under her burkha, “Where was the damned patriarchy when we needed it?”