While the US is busy arguing whether to choose a %&*(# or a #@$%, Britain has to decide whether they’ll get to choose their leader ever again.
Oh sure, they’ll continue to have elections, but they’ll be increasingly just for show. In practice what has happened in that the EU has become a dictatorship by nameless, faceless bureaucrats.
Ever hear of Donald Tusk? Jean-Claude Juncker? Martin Schulz? They are the PresidentS of the EU. Yes there are three of them. But none of them were elected by the citizens they presume to govern.
It’s really quite astonishing. Europe has been conquered not by armies, generals, or dictators. Not by revolutionary crowds, nor invasion, but by a bunch of paper pushers.
They sit around and pass laws because they have nothing better to do. There are over a 100 laws regarding pillow cases for F’s sake.
What is at stake in the BREXIT vote is nothing less than whether people should have a say in their own lives, in their own government. What is at stake is democracy itself.
The sooner the EU is broken up the better. It won’t be without difficulty, perhaps not without conflict, but the alternative is far worse. History shows that when freedom is lost, it’s lost for a long time, followed by worse violence.
Vote Yes Britain.