Or maybe you fancy yourself a ‘moderate,’ but if push comes to shove – and if today’s opinion polls bear out – it very well may come down to a choice between the Donald and the Bernie, you know which way you’ll sway.
Both are ‘populists,’ giving voice to the popular rage. Different people are of course outraged over different things. Heaven knows there is plenty to be outraged about.
From a policy perspective, neither has said anything new. The Donald proposing failed protectionist policies of the 1880s, and the Bernie who still believes in the failed socialist policies of the 1910s.
So how can I love them both?
Both are hated by their party establishments. The ruling schmucks who like the system just the way it is – and the enemy of my enemy, is my friend.
Donald Trump has single-handedly exposed the GOP as a sham. A bunch of self-interested pricks who don’t give a damn what their constituents think. Even FOX news was forced to back down on attacking him.
The only reason Bernie has not run a similar gauntlet is that the Democrat’s have not begun their debates yet. It will be interesting to see if MSNBC has learned anything from FOX’s blunder.
Make no mistake, each man’s biggest opponents is their own party establishment.
Bernie has an additional thing I love about him. As an unabashed socialist, with equally unabashed followers, he is exposing the Democratic Party for what it has become. What used to be dismissible as slander from the Right, no longer is. The Democratic Party is the Socialist Party.
And the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.
Trump is a little more difficult to pin down philosophically, but with his talk of national greatness, and claim to love military power a ‘million’ percent more than any other candidate, perhaps fascist would not be entirely out of line.
Neither Donald nor Bernie are going to be our saviors. But they are both doing a hell of a job at destroying what ‘is.’ And no one but fans of the status quo ought to be mad about that.