This video was released a month before the Malaysian Airliner was downed over Ukraine, and may provide some insight into that event.
Partial Transcript
“Good day. My name is Elena. I am in the city of Sloviansk. I am native to this town. I have joined the military ranks. I cannot bear this anymore. We are being bombed every day by Ukrainian army, on orders from Junta, Artillery, Air Force. And they drop bombs not on check-points.
They drop bombs on people’s houses. People live in cellars with their children. How long are we to bear this? How is it that government sends mercenaries on their own people?
The people are fighting from here, in defense of their own city. They want to live, not merely exist. Terrible things are happening.
For example: An incident that happened recently. A passenger plane was flying by, and Ukrainian attack aircraft hid behind it. Then he lowered his altitude a bit and dropped bombs on the residential sector of Seminovka.
They wanted to provoke the militia to shoot at the passenger plane. There would have been a global catastrophe. Civilians would have died. Then they would say the terrorists did it.
There are no terrorists here. There are regular people here, that came out in defense of their own city. … Don’t you have any humanity left?”
July 28th, 2014
A Message from Elena
This video was released a month before the Malaysian Airliner was downed over Ukraine, and may provide some insight into that event.
Partial Transcript
“Good day. My name is Elena. I am in the city of Sloviansk. I am native to this town. I have joined the military ranks. I cannot bear this anymore. We are being bombed every day by Ukrainian army, on orders from Junta, Artillery, Air Force. And they drop bombs not on check-points.
They drop bombs on people’s houses. People live in cellars with their children. How long are we to bear this? How is it that government sends mercenaries on their own people?
The people are fighting from here, in defense of their own city. They want to live, not merely exist. Terrible things are happening.
For example: An incident that happened recently. A passenger plane was flying by, and Ukrainian attack aircraft hid behind it. Then he lowered his altitude a bit and dropped bombs on the residential sector of Seminovka.
They wanted to provoke the militia to shoot at the passenger plane. There would have been a global catastrophe. Civilians would have died. Then they would say the terrorists did it.
There are no terrorists here. There are regular people here, that came out in defense of their own city. … Don’t you have any humanity left?”
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