Among other things, they tend to show uncomfortable connections to sex-trafficking and pedophilia amongst key staffers in the Clinton campaign, and perhaps higher up…
Here’s a curious excerpt from one Wikileaks email:
“I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.”
I have some questions:
Is there a non-nefarious explanation for this? Maybe. But I’m having a hard time imagining what it is.
The email was sent from Trudy Vincent, a gov’t lobbyist, to Tamera Luzzatto, formerly Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff and now Sr. VP at the Pew Charitable Trust where she supposedly oversees “nonpartisan policy work.”
Now this email in itself proves nothing, but it is strange.
Why would Ms. Vincent send an e-mail to Ms. Luzzatto, telling her that three children with Luzzatto’s last name would be in the pool (for sure)?
Is Ms. Luzzatto not attending the party?
If those were her children, would she not have something to say about whether or not they A. Swim, or B. be further entertainment?
Perhaps the message was intended for the many people CC’ed on it. Among them, current Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Mr. Podesta has a seemingly endless array of strangeness following him.
For example, The Washington Post removed an article describing Tony Podesta’s art collection of “documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.”
In another Wikileak email he seems to be involved with an Occult practice of “Spirit Cooking,” in which mock cannibalism rituals are held along with the consumption of menstrual blood, semen, and breast milk.
Now that is some pretty strange stuff, and saying that someone partakes in such a thing, let alone believes in it would take some corroboration. Hanging prominently in Podesta’s office is a painting depicting an act of cannibalism.
When asked to comment on the painting, Podesta replied that it’d be better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table. Indeed.
What about Portugal and 2007?
In 2007, 3-year-old child actor Madeleine McCann was abducted while on vacation at a Portugal resort and never seen again. During the investigation police released a sketch of the perpetrators. They might as well be portraits of John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta.
In another email to John Podesta, Susan Sandler of the Sandler Foundation makes the following statement, “The realtor found a hankerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related). Is it yours?”
So what’s this about pizza?
Apparently “Pizza” is a code word used by pedophiles to describe child pornography.
On a slightly different topic, but perhaps no less sinister. In a February 9th email, Podesta makes a reference to “wet-work.”
Wet-work is of course a commonly used term for assassination. In the email Podesta makes it clear that he is not talking about another illicit pool-party, and the response to the email comes from Hillary delegate Steve Elmendorf who replies, “Sounds like it will be a bad night, we all need to buckle up and double down.”
And it’s not just Podesta.
There are emails detailing the involvement of the Clinton Foundation with supporting child-trafficking. After the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, Laura Silsby was arrested trying to smuggle 33 orphaned children out of the country, but after investigation, it turned out that the children were not even orphans.
Wikileaks: Clintons Support of Child Trafficking Laura Silsby!
According to Wikileaks, “One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook.”
And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex-trafficker.
It goes on and on and on.
Up to this point, Wikileaks has never been shown to release false information, but that didn’t stop Clinton advisor Jennifer Palmieri from saying, “If you see a whopper of a Wikileaks in next two days – it’s probably a fake.”
Umm, how would she know?
And what would qualify as a whopper?
Online hackers Anonymous and Kim Dotcom say that they have access to photos of former President Bill Clinton having sex with minors while visiting convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Sex Island.”
That would certainly qualify as a whopper. Whether or not they do, and whether or not they are released, remains to be seen.
SHOCK! Hackers, Anonymous Releasing Video of Clinton Having SEX WITH MINORS!
In a perhaps related statement, Hillary is supposed to have screamed at Matt Lauer after an unfavorable interview, “If that Fucking Bastard wins we all hang from nooses.”
It’s a possibility.
Find a higher tree.
well done, not many are brave enough to publish such unthinkable things..its happening right under our noses everyday all around the world..i really hope n pray this opens up the whole can of worms, its disgusting beyond imagination some things that is gong on in this world
You know, anybody who’s been involved in politics for any time at all has done something dirty. But the stuff dirty bureaucrats do is always dull. Taking a bribe to award a government contract. Using a government plane for personal travel. Spending 30,000 dollars on a dinette set for their office. Dull, dull, dull. So instead let’s say they’ve done something sexual. That always gets headlines. Get the dullards’ nipples hard and they’ll follow you down any stupid rabbit hole. Pizzagate. For F***’s sake, Dennis. AND you illustrate the article with the very images of young women that you say prove Podesta is a pedophile. Whether or not he is, you’re certainly using those images to arouse… let’s just say “arouse interest in your article.” Oh, and Podesta’s brother is named “Podesta,” not “Pedestal.”
My life has so improved since I stopped wasting time on the foolish musings of Steve, but just for old-times sake let’s do it…
1. Steve says “the stuff dirty bureaucrats do is always dull.”
No. It isn’t Steve. In fiction you can claim whatever you want and make it true, but in reality there is… Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Dennis Hastert, Elliot Spitzer, Larry Craig, Mariam Berry, etc, etc.
2. Steve says, “AND you illustrate the article with the very images of young women that you say prove Podesta is a pedophile.”
Nope. Neither I nor the article say that. Much evidence is presented, but a claim of “proof” is not made.
3. Steve says, “you’re certainly using those images to arouse.”
Oh dear Steve, I hate to break it to you, but you are not a mind reader. The images are shown because “images are images,” and they are more readily and accurately understood visually than in words. And if they caused you to become aroused, I’d suggest keeping that to yourself.
4. Podestal
At long last Steve has done something useful! He found a typo! If anyone needs the help of a vigilant proofreader or Podesta defender, please give Steve a call…