Thursday, July 9th, 2015
After my 85th birthday last week, I looked back over my life and was surprised to discover in how many different ways I had been lucky. In addition to some other ways in which I was unlucky. Among the things I did not know at the time was that I was adopted as an infant
Friday, July 3rd, 2015
Mr. Greece really likes taking care of his family. Some of his cousins and his older relatives struggle to find work, others don’t like to work, and plenty see themselves as “too old” to work. So Mr....
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
As Canada went to war in 1914, unwanted foreigners were turned overnight into enemies. There had always been doubts about immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in particular the Ukrainians who had settled much of the West. The...
Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
BlackRock Inc. is seeking government clearance to set up an internal program in which mutual funds that get hit with client redemptions could temporarily borrow money from sister funds that are flush with cash. – Bloomberg...
Monday, June 29th, 2015
The political left has come up with a new buzzword: “micro-aggression.” Professors at the University of California at Berkeley have been officially warned against saying such things as “America is the land of opportunity.” Why? Because this...
Sunday, June 28th, 2015
“I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you.” So said Nadine Collier, who lost her mother in the massacre at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, offering forgiveness to Dylann...
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
In the old days, the slaves had to ask permission from their master to get married. And when the master gave his consent, the slaves celebrated, danced, and made expressions of joy. So happy were they with...
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Honorable Governor Jerry Brown, We are a group of Russian-speaking California residents, concerned with the proposed vaccination-related bills SB-277, SB792, and AB1117. We are residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Diego....
Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Rachel A. Dolezal, the recently resigned president of the Spokane, Washington, office of the NAACP, has come under a bit of controversy. Both of her parents are white, but for eight years, Dolezal claimed that she was...
Saturday, June 20th, 2015
On June 16, 1992, London’s Daily Telegraph reported this astonishingly bold remark by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev: “Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.” Perhaps we should cut Gorbachev...
Friday, June 19th, 2015
As the mainstream media begins to come to terms with just what Texas’ decision to repatriate its gold from the Federal Government in its own Gold Depository, the details of Republican State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione’s bill protecting...
Tuesday, June 9th, 2015
For two years I was hacking up a lung. It was interfering with my sleep, with my job, with my life, and there seemed to be no cure for it. The funny thing is, I didn’t feel...
Monday, May 18th, 2015
Vaccines get all the glory, but most plumbers can tell you that it was sewage systems and clean water that got rid of disease, and they’re right. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europeans despised all...
Sunday, May 17th, 2015
Ever since the Jetsons, people have been laughing at the lack of flying cars as the future becomes the present. But now, the AeroMobil 3.0 prototype is now being tested in real flight. AeroMobil transforms in seconds...
Saturday, May 16th, 2015
I’m still hopping mad about the US Government’s bagpipe crackdown. The international piping scene is basically Scotland, Canada and the north-eastern US. On the Atlantic seaboard, it’s a cross-border community. Yet since the end of June the...