For those that think social media has some kind...
THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal....
It never stops, and won’t. Another state of emergency...
Twenty years ago, hysteria swept through the media over...
I’ve had four death threats. I’ve had several major...
The United States has embarked on a headlong rush...
For many years I have lived in dread of...
This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told...
The local pub has been a part of English...
The CNN “analysis” of a possible Greek exit from...
After my 85th birthday last week, I looked back...
Mr. Greece really likes taking care of his family....
As Canada went to war in 1914, unwanted foreigners...
BlackRock Inc. is seeking government clearance to set up...
The political left has come up with a new...
“I will never be able to hold her again,...
In the old days, the slaves had to ask...
Honorable Governor Jerry Brown, We are a group of...
Rachel A. Dolezal, the recently resigned president of the...
On June 16, 1992, London’s Daily Telegraph reported this...
As the mainstream media begins to come to terms...
For two years I was hacking up a lung....
Vaccines get all the glory, but most plumbers can...
Ever since the Jetsons, people have been laughing at...
I’m still hopping mad about the US Government’s bagpipe...
My date leaned over and asked, “What year is...
I am going to make this as short and...
Baltimore burns, that much is sure, but who is...
Not long ago, Megyn Kelly of FOX News went...
During his press conference today, President Obama addressed the...
As we get closer to the 2016 election year,...
So the other day I posted about these golliwog...
We have suffered for decades now the squawking of...
It is a sin to write this. It is...
Isaiah’s Job is from Chapter 13 of Albert J....
Unlike many people, I do not have my taxes...
Kids these days are punks and cowards. They can...
In a sense, the entire system of taxation is...
In 1917, H.L. Mencken wrote an article to commemorate...
A reporter went into Memories Pizza and asked an...